Within the framework of the MBL (Master of Business, Competition and Regulatory Law) program at the Freie Universität Berlin, a publicly accessible glossary was created, containing all the most commonly used terms in European and international energy law, a so-called "EnergyWiki".
The glossary was established by the participants of the MBL program (which focuses in particular on regulatory topics regarding energy and telecommunication) under supervision of prof. dr. Lydia Scholz (DAAD-lecturer and professor at the University of Warwick). It's being continuously updated and adapted to new developments, and new terms are added on a regular basis.
This is not a scientifical work, rather is it meant as an overview of the most important terms, commonly used in legal texts regarding energy trade. It can be used as a starting point for research and text study by anyone without thorough previous scholaring in the field of energy, that wants to get acquainted with the terminology and get used to the legal framework.
I'm also contributing to the development of the wiki myself. Feel free to comment on any of the explanations given to a certain term, to add or correct information or to suggest additional relevant terms for the wiki! There is room for comments on the FU-page of the wiki, but of course you may also post your comments here on my blog, so I can take them into consideration.
The EnergyWiki can be reached following this link: http://userwikis.fu-berlin.de/display/energywiki/EnergyWiki_home