Monday 20 February 2012

Stagiaires Ideas That Matter

This Wednesday (22/02), I will be giving a TED talk about the transition of our energy system and the role and function of the Energy Roadmap 2050 on the event Stagiaires Ideas That Matter @ The Hub Brussels.
Here a short pre-taste:

What is your name and DG?
Lothar Van Driessche, DG Energy

Who is your personal hero?
It’s impossible to name only one. I have several heros in several domains. Humans have done some amazing things in history. Naming just one here, would dishonour too many others.

What is your Idea That Matters?
I will speak to you about a very concrete issue, that will profoundly determine our every day lives in the decennia to come: our energy system. We are facing a transition towards a low-carbon energy system in the upcoming decades. That is not only vital to combat climate change and preserve the environment, but equally to keep our energy provision sustainable and secure. Our households and industries most heavily, and ever more, depend on secure and affordable supply of energy. Becoming less dependent on fossil fuel imports, diversifying our supply, and at the same time securing the competitiveness of our economy and industries, form a tremendous challenge of at least the same order as saving the euro and our financial system.
The Commission’s recently adopted Energy Roadmap 2050 is a tool that attempts to steer that transition, based on a number of decarbonisation scenarios. The Roadmap shows that realising a decarbonised energy system is economically and technologically feasible, if only we start acting now, and act together. I will present to you how we can make the unavoidable transformation of our energy system work, by addressing and combatting some of the most common and popular misunderstandings about the RM 2050.

What is your favourite TED talk and why?
Steve Jobs: “How to live before you die” (for Stanford graduates in 2005), as it gives such a nice personal peek into the thoughts and emotions of an otherwise enigmatic man, and also because it turned out to be a visionary speech, like the man himself has always been, in his professional occupations.

Where can we find you online?
Twitter: @Lotharvd

To attend the conference: register.

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